Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Somalia for Christ

This is what I wrote a few weeks back after having a terrifying image of Somalia pop into my mind:

Somalia, oh Somalia!
Oh Lord
How my heart aches
How it is torn
For her
With years and years
Decades upon decades
Her people have been
Stricken, afflicted, dismayed,
And destitute
Helpless and without hope
Their hearts plagued
With animosity and pride
That have been manifested
Through years
Of conflict and war
Which have resulted in
Famine and drought
Much suffering
Much anguish and death

Oh and even more
To think
To ponder
Even for a sec
Of their spiritual state
Dead, in darkness,
And enemies of the Most High
They are
(As we once were)
Outside of Christ
Before a holy God
And that's a terrifyingly
Dangerous place to be
And they are blind to it

Yet who will warn them
Of the wrath to come?
Who will plead with them
To repent
And turn to Christ
Who will tell them
Of Jesus
Their only hope
Of peace and safety
Restoration and healing?
Whose blood
Can secure for them
A Redemption that's eternal?

I hear the call
Send me, Lord
I'll go!
To go shine
The light of the Gospel
In the darkness of Somalia
Not counting my life
Of any value
Yes, even willing to lose it
So that they may be saved
Willing to die
So that they may live!
I claim Somalia for Christ

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Author of All My Days

 I guess I can spill the beans now, about what was, and well....still is in the works for me. Since...September I've been pursuing the opportunity to spend a year over in Ethiopia doing gospel ministry among Somalis there through PIONNERS missions organization. This past Tues I had submitted my application; moving forward I was looking at a week of orientation in January, assuming that would've gone well, I probably would started raising support in February, then by April would've been heading over to the Horn of Africa. It was all going well two days ago, but....

 Yesterday morning woke up around 4:40ish had breakfast, went to work at 6. About 45 minutes in my stomach started to ache, but ignored it and worked through it. A few minutes later though, it got worse added nausea to it. jump ahead a bit, one of my coworkers came into the break room laying on the floor, but not passed out....but it seemed like I was going to at any moment. One of  my managers came in to ask if I wanted my parents to pick me or wanted to go the hospital (even offering to get an ambulance). Knowing my condition, I agreed to be taken to the ER, even though I didn't want it. The choice had to be made. Happy side of the ending is that the blood test, and urine sample, came back good and clear. The not so happy side is that I'll be getting medical bills as a result of this ER visit, and to add, I'm not covered under insurance. This means, that there is a good chance that I won't be able to go over to Ethiopia till 2015. My heart is discouraged for sure.

 "I as on a good track, and not I'm postponed, why?", "Certainly the Lord knows that my heart aches for the Somalis, why would he delay me?", "I just don't understand God? Why would allow this?" These are honest heart felt questions that I've asked myself, and the Lord yesterday, and earlier today, but I know His answers, and His answers are found in "Who" He is, not in "Why" He has done what He has done....or better yet, what he has "allowed' to happen yesterday morning. I'm reminded, as if the Lord is saying to me, "I am God, there is no other", "I am good, and do good", "I am faithful and true", "I am the sovereign Lord of all". Ha! I know full well that it's foolish to blame God for the incident yesterday morning, even regardless of the fact that He allowed it. What happened...happened.

 So Being reminded of who He is, and the promises that are found in His Word to His people. Promises like:

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." ~ Romans 8:28


"...who works all things according to the counsel of his will." ~Ephesians 1:11b

Among many others.

Then my mind goes back now to the character of God. More specifically to His sovereignty over all things. He's sovereign over all nature, all nations, all events that happen in the world (whether triumphant or tragic). He's even sovereign of my life; my life as a whole and every single intricate detail. These things take me to Psalm 139, where we find in verse 16...

"Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." ~Psalm 139:11

 Yes! Even in this moment my heart is glad and rejoices at this awesome truth! The Lord most high is the Author of all my days, every single one. The one who knows the beginning of my days to the end in this life, orchestrates every one of them for His glory, from the best of my days to the worst. That includes yesterday; Dec. 18 2013, it's events was orchestrated for my good and His glory. So that is why I'm not distraught or am in despair, because I look to Him, cling to Him, knowing full well that He is good and does good!
 On another note. Just because my trip to the ER yesterday may postpone my going to Ethiopia to do gospel ministry doesn't mean I'm gonna stop pursuing it. Nope, because my heart still aches for the Somalis! I still aim on going, I just have to have patience, and be faithful with the Gospel in the here & now. When will it be when I go? The fall or winter of next year? Sometime in 2015? Not sure, but the Sovereign Lord knows!

Monday, December 16, 2013

In Christ, With Christ

 I know that this little writing will fall terribly short of the glory, beauty, loveliness, and dandyness of this stellar doctrine.....yet I can say that I've done my best to paint it.

I'm in Christ
And Christ is in me
He is the vine
I'm am a branch
I abide in Him
He abides in me

It's in Christ Jesus
That I have salvation
And have redemption
It's in Him
That I'm no longer
Under condemnation
And stand forgiven
In Christ
I'm a new creation
The old is gone
And the new has come
It's in Him
That I'm no longer God's enemy
But now His son
It's in Christ
I'm no longer in the domain of darkness
But now in the kingdom of light
And it's in the Savior
That I who was once blind
Now have sight

For it's with Christ
I've been crucified
And have died
That I've been buried
And have risen
To walk in newness of life
With Him my life hidden
And it's with Him
That I'll appear in glory
With Christ
I'm a fellow heir
And when comes again
With Him
I'll be caught up in the air
For with I share
In His death
His resurrection
The riches of  His glory
His inheritance
And the fellowship
That He has with the Father

Oh the beauty
The wonder & loveliness
And the mystery & dandyness
Of the reality
Of being
In Christ & with Christ

Again I feel, or rather....I know there's more that can be said here, but may what is written encourage you, and compel you to live in light of this glorious gospel truth.

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Mystery Of Dandyness

Oh the mystery
Of all mysteries
That leaves me speechless
Leaves me baffled
That Jesus
The Son of God
Creator & sustainer
Of all things seen and unseen
The One is from everlasting to everlasting
Compelled by love
Would leave His
Throne & glory
Come down in our likeness
In frail & finite
Human flesh
As a babe
Born of a virgin
Living life as we do
Experiencing pain & sickness
Suffering & temptation
Yet was sinless & spotless
Lived without flaw or imperfection
Innocent & pure was He
But He was betrayed
Into the hands of sinners
Was despised & rejected
By His own creation
Falsely accused
And wrongly judged
Whipped, scourged, & mocked
More than that
He was hung on a Tree
Experiencing a criminal's execution
In deeper reality
He traded places with me
He clothes Himself
In my rags of sin
So that I may be
Clothed in His riches of righteousness
He took my deserved
Punishment & hell
So that I can receive
His forgiveness & heaven
Dying my death
So that I may have life everlasting
He stood condemned
In my place
Becoming a curse for me
So that I may be
Set free
Acepted in Him
To enjoy
The riches & blessings
Of His work for me
At Calvary
So now I sing
To the Lamb
Who was slain in my stead
To the One
Who suffered, died, & rose
For my justification

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Our Death & Their Life

Left in darkness
Blindly running
Toward an horrific end
Carelessly rebelling
Against the Lord Most High
With only wrath
Awaiting them
They are utterly hopeless & helpless
Left on the outside
Distant & far off
Who are they?
They are
The Unreached
Those who've never heard
And have not seen
Of Christ
The One who is
The Way, Truth, & Life

Yet here we are
We are the people of the Cross
Children of the Living God
Citizens of a kingdom
That has come
And is coming
And Jesus Christ
Our King & Lord
Has commissioned us
To go make disciples
Of all nations
To be His witnesses
To the ends of the earth
Preaching His Gospel
Proclaiming His Name
And redemptive
Rule & Reign
To all peoples
To those who worship idols
Instead of the One True God

So brothers & sisters
Let us not get comfortable
Becoming lazy & complacent
Being self-focused
And oblivious
To the world around us
Deny ourselves
Take up our crosses
Dying to all
Comforts & luxuries
All that's familiar
Dying to our
Ambitions, goals, & dreams
And go with boldness
Fearing nothing but our God
Being empowered
By the Spirit of Christ
Clinging to His promises
Proclaiming this Good News
So that the unreached
May become reached
With the willingness
To suffer & die
So that they can have life
And have it more abundantly!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Remember Calvary

 We all have those days, where at the end of it, we feel like we've struggled greatly. Days, where that were just terrible, filled with pain, losing the battle to sin left & right, brought almost to despair. I mean c'mon! Life on this side of eternity for believers and unbelievers alike is rough. It's unavoidable and undeniable. Maybe it's could be a week or 2 filled with physical suffering, spiritual dryness, everything seems to fall apart. Gosh, I know I've had plenty of those for sure.
 So what is the remedy to those times? The Gospel of Jesus Christ. On this side of the Cross, we as followers of have no guilt in life and no fear in death. So take heart weary, worn, and bruised saint! Remember  and take hold of the Gospel, and the and the rich blessings & promises that flow from it!

Remember Calvary
And the old rugged Tree
The place where
His love was displayed
Remember the blood poured out
And the crying out
"It is finished!"
Our debt has been paid

"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us." ~Psalm 103:8-12

"but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us." ~ Romans 5:8

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace," ~Eph 1:7

"And you who were once alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless, and above reproach before him," ~Col 1:21-22

"The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost." ~1 Tim 1:15 (my favorite)

"For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he pour out on us richly through Jesus Christ, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life." ~Titus 3:3-7

For in those moments and days of distress, despair, suffering, and dryness; look to the Cross and remember. The Gospel can and will bring: healing, joy, restoration, refreshment, and renewed zeal and passion. Don't lose heart, my brothers & sisters! Remember Calvary!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Expanding....Vision -- The Horn of Africa

 Oooh...Somalia! Ha! For those who know me, and have spent time with me, know full well the heart the Lord has blessed me with for the Somali people. For about 4ish years now, I've had this heart and burden for Somalis; that they may come to know Christ. I've even come to the point recently that if God wants me to go to Somalia itself to do Gospel ministry there be it! Oh, and If I perish....I perish, cause I know to who I belong!
 All that is to say though....if that's where the Lord leads me. Really wherever Somalis are is where I want to be; and they are all over the place! Well over a million in Kenya and Ethiopia each in refugee camps, then roughly 98,000 in the U.K., 57,000 in Italy, 81,000 in the United States, and over tens of thousands in other countries around the world. So as you can see....there is a wide variety of where I can go here to do Gospel ministry to the Somali people.
 Yet, as of a couple days ago, the Lord has reminded me of something. Since God shows no partiality, therefore the Gospel also shows no partiality too (Isa. 45:22). I share this because many people who want to be missionaries focus on a particular people group to do Gospel ministry among. Which isn't bad at all I'd say, but you think of the Great Commission....."Go make disciples of all nations...".
 Paul is a great biblical example of a guy who wanted to take the Gospel to more than just one people group. Just take a look at what he syas in Romans 15:19b-20:

 "--so that from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum I have fulfilled the ministry of the Gospel of Christ; and thus I make it my ambition to preach the Gospel, not where Christ has been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation."

The apostle had this holy ambition to proclaim the grace of God in the name Christ to those who've never heard of the Name. You can see this in the book of Acts. Paul didn't just stay in Damascus once after his conversion. No no, being led by the Spirit he went all over the place proclaiming the Gospel. Places like Antioch, Macedonia, Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, and Ephesus. By God's grace the Lord used Paul to start or be a part in starting churches in these places. Paul apparently knowing God's heart, that He desires all people be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth., and is spurred on place to place, nation to nation.
 Now to give a modern day example. My older brother's pastor knows a missionary couple who have spent a good few years church plating down in Mexico (I believe). Upon the time of retirement age, instead of retiring these 2 saints instead went to Morocco to do Gospel ministry there. Boom! I love it! On mission, serving the Lord till there dying breath. That's how I want it to be! To be poured out, completely wrung out, up to my last breath; laboring with the Gospel among the unreached.
 This brings me to the reminder the Lord has put in my mind these past couple days. Yes, my heart absolutely aches for the Somali people for sure, but...there are a plethora of other unreached peoples within the Horn of Africa. Like the Garre, Dabarre, and the Tunni in Somalia; South Asian general in Djibouti; the Rashaidi and the Dahalik of Eritrea; the Kebena and the Wolane of Ethiopia. Not to mention many much more.
 So I ask myself yes I so much want to do gospel ministry to the Somalis, but all these other people groups too, who need the saving grace in the Gospel equally as much. Again the Gospel shows no partiality because God shows no partiality. Indeed Jesus died to purchase for himself a people from each one of the people groups I mentioned above. Then I ask myself, why stop with just the Somalis? Why not the Garre, and the Rashaidi, and the others. Paul had in mind Ephesus, Thessolonica, Corinth, and other places; so why not myself?
 So yes, I still do have the particular focus of the Somalis; they indeed will always have a special place in my to speak. Yet I believe the Lord is expanding my vision and heart to all unreached peoples of the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and northern Kenya make up the Horn by the way)!
 So please pray 1) for the unreached in the Horn 2) the Lord to raise up laborers to bear the light of the Gospel to the unreached in the Horn 3) and that the Lord would give me guidance and discernment on where and how He want me to make an impact with the Gospel among the unreached in the Horn. For I'm willing to die, so that they may have life and have it more abundantly!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Never Familiar Always Fresh

 Oh how familiar the Bible can be to us. Namely all the stories and accounts found in it, in both old and new Testament. We have in the OT the story of Noah and the ark, Moses as God's representative leading God's people out of Egypt, and others. In the New Testament we have Jesus healing the sick & physically impaired....oh and not to mention casting out demons. We also have the Apostles doing the same kind of things throughout the book of Acts. Yes, all of these stories and accounts are oh so familiar to us. Ha! For a lot of us, we have started hearing these such stories back in pre-school Sunday school class.
 Yet earlier this week as I was spending time in the gospel of Matthew I read a "familiar" passage, an account of Jesus doing His things healing people and such. Matthew 15:29-31 was the passage to be exact, which says,

"Jesus went on from there and walked beside the sea of Galilee. And went up on the mountain and sat down there. And great crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute, and many others, and they put them at his feet, and he healed them, so that the crowd wondered, when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled healthy, the lame walking, and the blind seeing. And they glorified the God of Israel." ~Matt 15:29-31

 After I read this I went back in time (so to speak) and put myself in that spot, in that moment. Imagining that I was one of the many people in that crowd, witnessing the incredible healing power of the Son of Man. Ha! It seemed like instantly I was overwhelmed with joy, excitement, wonder, and awe! Just picturing myself looking around to see blind Bobbly, who had been blind from birth now seeing; Luke who had been lame from early childhood now walking; and mute Mary who had been unable to speak for 10 years, now shouting with joy! Man, I was just in awe of this awesome power of the Most High God being put on display for the crowd (and us readers) to see and behold! It seemed, for me, like the Spirit gave me fresh eyes to see this in such a familiar passage. This caused me to go on a praise walk, ha! Often I go on prayer walks around my neighborhood, but this praise walk was something new indeed! So out I went, praising God for power, glory, magnificence, wisdom, holiness, and so on!
 Now as I've said before, it was the Spirit that given me the eyes to see the beauty and magnificence of Christ in this passage, leading me to worship the Savior. It makes me think how often we read over these stories, but never do anything with them. Yea, we may take a couple things from them to chew on or apply to our lives, but we never are struck with awe and wonder at the power, glory, and beauty of the gospel truths in the accounts and stories. We ought to pray from our hearts what that Psalmist in Psalm 119 :

 "Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." ~Psalm 119:18

I can imagine another way of him saying that is, "Lord may Your Word never become familiar too, but may it always be fresh to me!" At least that should be our prayer, whenever we read of the Lord parting the Rea Sea that Israelites can pass through on dry ground, or when Joshua and the people of Israel march around Jericho for 6 days and on the seventh make a ruckus of noise causing the city to crumble, or when Jesus feeds a crowd of 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish.
Aaah, yes! I dare to say that one of the reasons we have accounts or stories like these in the Bible is so we can be in awe of and be lead to worship the God who does the incredible, according to these stories! For He is certainly worthy of our time spent reading about how He puts His power, majesty, and glory on display in stories like these that litter the Bible! May these biblical accounts and stories never become familiar or old to us, but  may the Spirit give us eyes see afresh wondrous things from these stories that may lead us to worship and praise the Author of them!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Life is A Stewardship know what comes to mind at this moment? Stewardship. You know what verses or quotes that come to mind when I think of stewardship?

"You are not your own, for you were bought with a price."~1 Corinthians 6:19b-20

"and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sakes died and was raised." ~2 Corinthians 5:15

"Oh Father use this ransomed life in any way you choose, and let my song forever be, 'My only boast is You'!" ~All I Have is Christ by Sovereign Grace Music

 There's really much I can say about Stewardship, and ya'll can feel free to put in your thoughts on the matter, but I guess I'd like to share how that look for me personally
 Simply put my prayer as of late has been this:

Oh, Lord Most High
Use me up
Exhaust me
I want to be poured out
For the sake of Christ,
The advancement
Of Your Kingdom
And the building up
Of the Body of Christ

In regards to the Advancement of the Kingdom

 Well, this simply mean evangelism & disciple-making. I wanna preach the Gospel, being so enthralled & dazzled by it that is flows out of my mouth; whether I'm at home, work, downtown Indy, at the grocery store, at a coffee shop.....ha, wherever!
 Yet, the aim in preaching the Gospel is to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples and so on (Matt 28:18-20 & 2 Tim 2:2). Now that's where it's at! For the apostle Paul himself counted the task he was given of proclaiming the Gospel of God's grace more precious & valuable than his own life (Acts 20:24)! This is not just something I'm called to, but ALL followers of Christ are called to. No exceptions. No excuses.

In regards to the building up of the Body of Christ

 As we know we're called to live out the Christian life in the community of other believers (Heb 10:25, 1 Cor 12:12-30, & Eph 2:19-21), because Christ has purchased for himself a people by His blood shed on the Cross and His resurrection (1 Pet 2:9 & Rev 7:9-10). We're also called to love one another, serve one another, encourage one another, build one another up, and so on. For me I see pouring myself into fellow saints on Sunday morning worship gatherings, in small group, and over coffee meets. Caring for those within the body (like the elderly, widows, handicapped, & others). Discipling those who are babes in the faith and the kiddos. Also using the gifts, talents, and the abilities the Lord has blessed me with to over and over point my brothers & sisters to the Cross & help them grow in Christ all the more! Simply loving others!

 So what do you all think? Agree or disagree? My last thoughts are this- that Christ died so that we can live to make much of Him, to make Him look good, and to know Him and make Him known (1 Tim 1:15-17 & 1 Pet 3:18)! Yes, the Gospel frees us from living for ourselves to live for the Lord Most High!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Indy Somali Outreach

 Dear Brother's and sisters,

 Aaah! I've found it hard to contain my excitement since last night. The Lord has given me and another brother an opportunity for gospel ministry here in Indy! Now before, I was told that there weren't many Somalis here in Indianapolis; just a good few. Of course with that (to me) not being enough for long term ministry. That led to my aim of trying to move down to Louisville where a rough estimate of about 6,000 live. So until yesterday afternoon, that's what I was gonna shoot for- moving down to Louisville to do gospel ministry among the Somalis there (within 2 yrs).

Yet the Lord in His sovereignty allowed me and my friend (Austin Rogers) to meet up with a guy who heads up a team/ministry who reaches out to internationals in the city. Is was at one point he brought up the Somalis, sharing how some guys have a ministry reaching out to Somali taxi drivers in town. We then asked him how many Somalis are in Indy. Ha, he said about a rough estimate of about 1,500, in which a good majority of them live on the westside! He went on to share how there's a coffee shop in the area where they can be found where a bunch of Somalis hangout!
  Later that day my friend shared with me a vision of pouring ourselves and the Gospel into these Somalis. Starting at this coffee shop building gospel-intentional relationships, with the hope of eventually seeing a Somali family get saved though doing a bible study with them, they start sharing with other Somalis around them, more get saved, and.....well you get the idea! Generational discipleship people (See Acts 18)!
 Yes, as I have said before, I say again- I just can't contain my excitement! I'm stoked that the Lord provided this opportunity in His sovereignty, and by His grace given us a vision for this task, this mission! So I ask for your prayers, for without the Spirit present with us in our labors, and apart from the Lord working, we would be laboring in vain.  Thanks for your time, and in advance, for your prayers!

"May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!" ~ John Leonard Dober & David Nitschman

"Oh sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things!
His right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him. The LORD has made known his salvation; he has revealed his righteousness in the sigh of the nations." ~Psalm 98:1-2

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Who We Are!

 Well to start, I have a twitter. Yes. Now I share that because over time I would tweet these truths about Christians, who we are. So I decided to compile those tweets, and other truths into a little writing.....or whatever you wanna call it....

Dear brothers & sisters
Let's us not forget
Who we are
And Whose we are
For we are people
Of the Cross
We are those
Who were delivered
From the domain of darkness
And transferred into the kingdom
Of the Beloved Son
We are those
Who are sojourners in this world
And are citizens of heaven
Awaiting a kingdom that's to come
We are those
Who are no longer
Children of wrath
But are Children of the Most High
We are those
Who are no longer
Slaves to sin
But are now servants
To our Risen King
We are those
Who love our enemies
Blessing those who revile us
We are those
Who may be shamed by the world
But are unashamed of the Gospel
We are those
Who have our names graven
On our Saviors hands
And written on His heart
We are those
Who walk by faith
And not by sight
We are those
Who have no guilt in life
And fear in death
Seeing that to live
Is Christ
And to die
Is gain
We are those
Who base not only our beliefs
Off of God's Word
But our lives as well
We are those
Who found the Treasure
Hidden in a field
And sold all we had
To buy that field
We are those
Who do not fear
But take heart
Knowing to Whom we belong
We are those
Who have a friend
In the One who saved
Our souls from death
We are those
Who have a child-like dependence
On our Father
We are those
Who are in the world
But are not of it
We are those
Who will overcome
By the blood of the Lamb
And the word
Of our testimony
We are those
Who brag not in ourselves
But in the Lord Jesus
And glory in His cross
We are those
Who run toward the darkness & chaos
With the light of the Gospel
We are those
Who are chasing after Christ
Instead of chasing after
The filth of sin
We are those
Who are gracious, kind, patient, humble, & loving
Towards all people
We are those
Who aren't bitter & resentful
But forgive others
As we have been forgiven in Christ
We are those
Who count all things as loss
In comparison
To knowing Christ
We are those
Who are safe & secure
In the Father's arms
We are those
Who are considered
The scum of the world
But are precious
In the eyes of the Father
We are those
Who have been born again
To a living hope
We are those
Who chase not after
Our own glory
But the glory of our God!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What I'm Brewing (a preview)

 I'm thankful for the gifts and talents that the Lord has graced me with. As you may or may not know that writing is my thing. I thoroughly enjoy it! Over the years I've written short stories, songs, and poems; and I continue on to this day. My aim in what I write is to make much of Christ for His glory.
 So in saying this, I'd like to give ya'll a bit of a taste of what's in the works. What I'll be sharing are songs that I'm working on, that the Lord has graced me with. For all my inspiration comes from Him!

Chasing After Christ

I'm running, running
To the Fountain of Life
I'm fighting to be
Filled and satisfied
With the One who came
To save my life
I'm chasing, chasing
After Christ

The Light of the Gospel

We'll go and shine bright
The light of the Gospel
We'll go and proclaim His name
Throughout the whole world
That the peoples may hear
And the nations will see
The love He displayed at Calvary
We'll go shine bright
The light of the Gospel


At the cross we're forgiven
By His blood we've been redeemed
Because of sin we were blind
Now by His grace, we can see
By His love we're made His children
Through His mercy we're set free
Now bound for glory
There His praise to forever sing

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lord, Have I Forgotten?

 This weekend, the Lord has wrecked my heart once again with the Gospel. It was much needed too.
This writing, or poem if you will, has been birthed tonight poured out from a heart that's been wrecked and overcome by the Gospel of the grace of God. Hope ya'll are immensely encouraged by it, as was I as I wrote it! Grace & peace!

Lord, have I forgotten
The Gospel?
That once being
A child of wrath
Am now Your son
Adopted in
By the blood of Christ?
That now
Because of the cross
I can call you Father
And You call me son?
That when darkness & chaos
Surround me
You are still with me?
That when  all seems lost
You still remain?

Have I forgotten
That You are the Shepherd
Leading Your flock
Beside quiet streams?
That You are ever faithful
To Your people?
That You give comfort
To Your chosen
When their afflicted?
That you sustain & give strength
When Your beloved
As weak & weary?

Have I forgotten
That You are
Not only the Promise Make
But also the Promise Keeper?
That the future glory
Prepared for us
Is infinitely greater
Than this present suffering?
That You work all things out
For my good & Your glory?
That is you are for us
Who can be against us?
And that nothing
Can separate Your Children
From Your love for us?

Forgive me Lord
For my unbelief, for I believe!
Forgive my God,
For my doubt!
Remind me
That You are good
And do good
With Your thoughts
Are higher than mine
And Your ways
Are greater than my ways
That I'm like a child
Always in His Father's arms
That You sustain me
By your grace
That You have
Sought me and bought me
And I'm Yours!
Forever in Your grace!
Forever in Your love!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Do Not Fear, Take Heart!

A little something I wrote today. This I hope will encourage you, my brother or sister in the Lord, to stand firm in the faith and be salt and light in a dark world. Remembering that we are sojourners, citizens of God's kingdom. Also that victory, in the end, is certain and promised!

Brothers & sisters
Why worry
And why freak out?
Why dread
And be concerned?
Who would dare
Come against us
If God is for us?
When the storms
Of trouble come
We will take refuge
In our God
For He is
Our hiding place
When terror & danger
Surround us
We find safety
In Him alone
When overwhelmed
By the fear of uncertainty
Let us remember
That we are His people
And He is our God
He is our Shepherd
And we are the sheep
Of His pasture
So do not fear
Take heart
Cherish the Gospel
Remembering whose hands
Our names are engraved on!

Friday, June 14, 2013

I'm Not, He Is

Wednesday night...the Lord dealt with me. He caused me to take a step back and take a look at myself. To search my heart diligently to see if there be any offensive way in me. Oh, my am I thankful that He revealed and exposed sin that I've been blind to. Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus that these sins (complacency, selfishness, lack of discipline, and lack of humility) are not held to my account. Yes, my debt has been paid in full at Calvary! So, if I may, with the Lord that night led to this.....

Don't look at me
Nor speak
Highly of me
I am not
To be esteemed
Nor my name
Made known to others
I'm deserve to be heard
Nor worthy of your time
I'm not some one
Who is great
I'm not significant
Nor important
I'm not worthy
Of attention
Or of praise
But I do know
Of One who is
Who is worthy
Of glory and honor
To be exalted
And made much of
"The Lord Most High"
Is His name
King of glory
And Lord of creation
Is He
There are no rivals
Nor any that compare
To Him
So again I say
I'm not worthy
And I'm not great
Yet my Lord and God
He is

Monday, June 3, 2013

What the Gospel Does For Me

 Yesterday I went on a walk through the neighborhood meditating on the Gospel. Of how Jesus came into the world to save sinners (of whom I'm the worst); by His life, death, and resurrection. Meditating on this rich and glorious news led me to marvel at it. A bit later, this is what I wrote:

To meditate on
And marvel at the Gospel
Is rich goodness
For my soul
It's relieving
And freeing
It brings comfort
And restores joy
It humbles me
And causes me
To forget myself
It causes me to rejoice
And drives me
To greater worship
It reminds me
Of where my identity is
And of the hope
Of future glory
It exalts
And points me to
It's Author
So that I
I may behold
And marvel at Him

Yes! For that is what the Gospel does for me, as a child of the Most High God!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

No Better Place

This is what has been on my mind and heart as of late. Hope you're encouraged and blessed by it!
 There is no better place to be
Than to be caught up within
The beauty and glory
Of the person of Jesus
To be enraptued
By majesty and splendor
In the light of His face
All things fade
All things grow strangely dim
Sin becomes grotesque and vile
Worries and anxieties
Will disappear
Dreams, goals, and aspirations
Won't matter
Oh yes
To chase after
Look to
Delight in
And marvel at Christ
Is the best place to be
For I'd rather be
Nowhere else

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Stellar Global 3

Just thought I'd share 3 messages on missions! Three killer messages at that by John Piper, David Sitton, and David Platt! Whether you aim to be a missionary overseas on not, I encourage you to check out these messages; and I pray that he will stir your hearts for His glory to be displayed to the ends of the earth!

David Sitton

John Piper

David Platt

 I do hope that these messages are a blessing and encouragement to you my brothers & sisters!
May His glory be displayed through His people to the ends of the earth!

grace & peace,
Joshua A. Taylor

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Oh How I Abhor Sin!

 Enter Cathy, a lady in her mid to late 60's and her 7 year old granddaughter Ariana from Missouri, who me and a friend talked and shared Christ with while down in Florida last week. Our conversation with Cathy was about 2 hours long, and it mainly her sharing about her life story. She shared about her rough upbringing of abuse and detail. Then she proceeded to share with us how she's seeing history repeat itself with her granddaughter. I dare not even share in detail what Ariana has to and is going through; all I can say that pierced my heart. It just absolutely to hear about what both Cathy and Ariana have to and still are going through. My heart aches for them.

 Then there's been a recent tradgey. A family friend (especially one to my 20 yr old brother) took his own life. I won't share his name in order to respect and honor his family. I didn't know the kid all too well, but well enough for his death to prick my heart. My heart goes out to his family & friends.

 My heart is torn over these 2 instances. Seeing the pain, sorrow, animosity, hate, bitterness, brokenness, and so on has led me to just burn with anger. Yes, my heart burn with a righteous anger over sin; over all that is evil and wicked! I state with sincereity from my heart along with the apostle Paul," Abhor what is evil;" (Romans 12:9). The things that I listed above are of the effects of sin; either from yourself or from others. I've been burning and disgusted with sin and the way it perverts, destroys, and kills! Oh, how I just want this world to rid of sin, and of all that is evil and wicked!
  Yet, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! There is a hope that I hold onto! Oh, yes there will be an end to pain, suffering, brokenness, evil, and sin! That because Christ Jesus who came to crush the curse of sin and power of the grave by the substitutionary death at Calvary is coming again to bring utter restoration. To right what has be wronged; do away with Satan, His angels, sin, and death once and for all! This familiar passage in Revelation 21 gives comfort, hope, and a glimpse of that day.

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,"Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." ~Revelation 21:3-4

 Thanks be to God through Christ Jesus our Lord! Yes, let us praise God for the perfect life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ who has set in motion, with a bang, the restoration of all things! So we cry out along with the apostle John,"Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20).

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Beauty & Glory

Oh Father
Lord of all glory
I come before You
Asking You to
Increase my desire
For more of You
That me hunger & thirst
For You will intensify
To seek after You
Relentlessly & agressively
And behold Your
Beauty & Glory
Open my eyes wid7er
As I open Your Word
To see and behold
Beautiful, majestic, and glorious things
Give me grander vision
Of You
Your greatness, majesty, glory, and holiness
That I may be humbled and in awe
Of You my God
Yes, reaveal more
Of  Yourself to me
So that my love & affections
For You would increase
More & more
Also that I would long to know You
More deeply & intamately
Counting all things as filth
Compared to the surpassing worth
Of knowing You
And that the things of this world
Would fade away
In the light
Of the beauty & glory
of You face, my God!