Monday, December 16, 2013

In Christ, With Christ

 I know that this little writing will fall terribly short of the glory, beauty, loveliness, and dandyness of this stellar doctrine.....yet I can say that I've done my best to paint it.

I'm in Christ
And Christ is in me
He is the vine
I'm am a branch
I abide in Him
He abides in me

It's in Christ Jesus
That I have salvation
And have redemption
It's in Him
That I'm no longer
Under condemnation
And stand forgiven
In Christ
I'm a new creation
The old is gone
And the new has come
It's in Him
That I'm no longer God's enemy
But now His son
It's in Christ
I'm no longer in the domain of darkness
But now in the kingdom of light
And it's in the Savior
That I who was once blind
Now have sight

For it's with Christ
I've been crucified
And have died
That I've been buried
And have risen
To walk in newness of life
With Him my life hidden
And it's with Him
That I'll appear in glory
With Christ
I'm a fellow heir
And when comes again
With Him
I'll be caught up in the air
For with I share
In His death
His resurrection
The riches of  His glory
His inheritance
And the fellowship
That He has with the Father

Oh the beauty
The wonder & loveliness
And the mystery & dandyness
Of the reality
Of being
In Christ & with Christ

Again I feel, or rather....I know there's more that can be said here, but may what is written encourage you, and compel you to live in light of this glorious gospel truth.

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