Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Somalia for Christ

This is what I wrote a few weeks back after having a terrifying image of Somalia pop into my mind:

Somalia, oh Somalia!
Oh Lord
How my heart aches
How it is torn
For her
With years and years
Decades upon decades
Her people have been
Stricken, afflicted, dismayed,
And destitute
Helpless and without hope
Their hearts plagued
With animosity and pride
That have been manifested
Through years
Of conflict and war
Which have resulted in
Famine and drought
Much suffering
Much anguish and death

Oh and even more
To think
To ponder
Even for a sec
Of their spiritual state
Dead, in darkness,
And enemies of the Most High
They are
(As we once were)
Outside of Christ
Before a holy God
And that's a terrifyingly
Dangerous place to be
And they are blind to it

Yet who will warn them
Of the wrath to come?
Who will plead with them
To repent
And turn to Christ
Who will tell them
Of Jesus
Their only hope
Of peace and safety
Restoration and healing?
Whose blood
Can secure for them
A Redemption that's eternal?

I hear the call
Send me, Lord
I'll go!
To go shine
The light of the Gospel
In the darkness of Somalia
Not counting my life
Of any value
Yes, even willing to lose it
So that they may be saved
Willing to die
So that they may live!
I claim Somalia for Christ

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