It sure has been awhile since I posted a blog, and since my last blog so much has happened! To really summarize all that has happened over the summer to now is this: God is oh so worthy, and I am oh so unworthy.
God has given me oppurtunities to serve in couple places. Like for instance me, my friend, his brother, his dad, and a friend of our form a band to help lead worship at a inner city kids church every other Saturday morning (started yesterday). It's so awesome to be able to serve that way, and my prayer is that me and the other band members will get to know these kids that we will be ministering to through worship so well and point them to Christ. Another oppurtunity is that I am co-leading a small group for the 6th grade Sunday school at the church! I'm loving it, cause first off I will able to help these kids learn and point them towards Christ, plus these kids will be learning about apologetics, worldview, and doctrine this year, and I can even learn along with them. Haha, and well the truth is when I was in 6th grade, I never learned about this stuff so, I'm jealous for these 6th graders :)
Witnessing to the lost and unsaved has become a part of my life. Back in my senior year of highschool God has given me a heart for the lost and unsaved that they may embrace Christ's redemption, and have a relationship with the One True living God. Jesus had compassion for the lost and unsaved
When He saw the crowds, He had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd--Matthew 9:36
Then throughout this summer I've been awakened to how important and crucial it is for Christians to witness, share the Gospel with the lost and unsaved. These three quotes helped me see the importance.
Most Christians are like a person enjoying themselves in a lifeboat oblivious that there are other people in the surrounding water drowning--Ray Comfort
I know it's sad that gift we have we keep it for ourselves most of the time--Wake Up by Leeland
Not all Christians are called to be evangelists, but all Christians are called to evangelize--Paul Washer
Those first 2 quotes made me realize that American Christianity has become selfish thinking that why we have evangelists and missionaries. Yet the last quote is one of many things that helped me realize that all Christians are called to evangelize, not just the evangelists. So with these things, and actively witnessing every week, has drastically changed my Christian walk.
As far as college goes, well, things are coming together. In Sring of 2010, I will be taking classes at a local community college (and my awesome aunt is paying for those classes!). Just a couple basic class like english and algebra. Then next Fall I plan on going to the same college to study nursing. This is what God laid on my heart: Be a nurse in southern Africa. Like an amazing friend of mine told me "How would they hear if they're dying physically?" That is oh so true. Also, unlike my early years in highschool, I would just sit around and wait for God to make that idea or plan to happen. Though I learned that if God has laid something on my heart, I have to pursue it!
So that is what has happened over the summer and my senior year. I'm now starting to make my own choices with some wisdom from my parents. Basically I'm an adult now, but I'm still relying on God for guidance, strength, and wisdom in my life, and I always will. I am unworthy of His boundless love, but is worthy of my unashamed love.