Liberia; such a beautiful country. God's divine splendor and beauty is displayed for all to see in this beautiful land that was founded by freed-slaves. I was excited that God had given me the oppurtunity to go to Monrovia , Liberia to see how God is working in the lives of the Liberian believers, and serve with humility & compassion. Liberia of course is different from the U.S., as just about every other country in the world in some sort of way. So of course it's difference is what kinda struck me, and was something I had to get use to over my time of being there. Some of these differences were language-they speak english, but their accent (I guess you could say) made it difficult to understand them. Gosh.....I could go on & on about stories of things I've seen, and learned, but there's one thing that really mattered to me in regards to the Liberian. That one things that they know of the the one true God who created them, who deserves honor & praise. Liberia from my own understand has been reached with the Gospel. Though they've been reached, there are still, just like other reached nations, people who haven't heard the Gospel. There are those who don't know Christ as their Lord & Savior. Not to mention there are those who call themselves Christians, who go to Liberia to share a completely different message then the Gospel of Jesus. They go raising up followers to believe in the junk & lies that they give them.
So I know that there is a need for faithful saints to go a bring the truth to those in Liberia who are lost, and have yet to be found; also to those who have been believing the lies of false teachers. May they come to know Christ, and worship the one true God who created them!!