Monday, January 23, 2012

Encouraged by Scripture (1 Timothy 1:15)

The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.- 1 Timothy 1:15

Oh how I've grown to love the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It's just about the most beautiful thing I've ever encountered! For it truly is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). Oh, yes I believe! For its by grace through faith that I've been saved; not of any effort on my part! That is why I not only see it as important to be preaching the Gospel to myself daily, but I love doing it! I enjoy and delight in meditating on, reading about, talking about, writing about, and even....praying the Gospel! It just fills me with joy, gratitude, and thanksgiving, that results in a passion and desire to know God more and fall deeper in love with Him! The Gospel basically defines my life!
Recently though there has been a verse that just has me marveling at the riches of God's grace in the Gospel. It has been 1 Timothy 1:15, which pretty much sums up the Gospel. Yet it's interesting what Paul adds at the end on the verse- "of whom I am the foremost." . Instead of "foremost" the NIV has "worst". The point being Paul is stating that in his own perspective he is the worst sinner that he knows., because only he knows all the wretched sins that he has committed against an infinitely holy God.
The same goes for myself. I am the most horrible wretched sinner I know. I know of the wickedness that I've committed, because according to my perspective I am the Michael Jordan of sinners.
Yet I thank God for the love & grace that I received from Him at Calvary. That I have been forgiven, redeemed, reconciled, and adopted by the blood of His Son, who was crushed and slain in my place!
So yes! Ooooh YES! I thank God for the Gospel of my salvation! I thank Him for sending His Beloved Son to save sinner of whom I am the worst!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Reading List

Here is the list of the books I'll be plowing through this year. There are some that I've already started, and then some I haven't started, of course.

Walt Whitman- selected poems

Growing Your Faith-
Jerry Bridges

Knowing God- J.I Packer

The Attributes of God- A.W. Pink

Gospel (Rediscovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary)- J.D. Greear

Fellowship of the Burning Heart- A collection of sermons by A.W. Tozer

The Cost of Discipleship-
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Scandalous- D.A. Carson

When I don't Desire God- John Piper

Gospel Wakefulness- Jared Wilson

A Holy Ambition- John Piper

Desiring God- John Piper

In My Place Condemned He Stood- J.I Packer & Mark Dever

To the Golden Shore (The Life of Adoniram Judson)- Courtney Anderson

The Gospel Comission- Michael Horton

The Essential Works of Charles Spurgeon- Selected Books, Sermons, and other writings I'm pretty loaded.