"I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him."- Ecclesiastes 3:14
Oh my goodness! What a verse! This verse has been rockin' me for the past couple days! So mind blowing for sure! Although this verse says "WHATEVER God does....", I can't but help to let this verse personally gravitate me to meditate on it in regards to the redemption and salvation of sinners. Especially my salvation and redemption through the blood of Christ! So here's what come to mind when I meditate on this passage.
That salvation is of the Lord.
That He who began a good work in me will complete it at the coming of Christ.
That I've been saved by grace through faith; with nothing I could've done to contrubute, and in turn boast about it.
That it's impossible to undo the work that the Lord has already done.
That nothing separate me from Him and the love that He has for me .
That I may make my boast in Him alone.
That I walk in a manner that worthy of and pleasing to Him.
That I may stand in awe and worship Him.
These are just some of things that come to mind as I meditate on this dandy and stellar passage. I pray that these truths and this passage encourage and bless you as well.Yes! Praise God for what a GREAT salvation He has given us!