Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lord, Have I Forgotten?

 This weekend, the Lord has wrecked my heart once again with the Gospel. It was much needed too.
This writing, or poem if you will, has been birthed tonight poured out from a heart that's been wrecked and overcome by the Gospel of the grace of God. Hope ya'll are immensely encouraged by it, as was I as I wrote it! Grace & peace!

Lord, have I forgotten
The Gospel?
That once being
A child of wrath
Am now Your son
Adopted in
By the blood of Christ?
That now
Because of the cross
I can call you Father
And You call me son?
That when darkness & chaos
Surround me
You are still with me?
That when  all seems lost
You still remain?

Have I forgotten
That You are the Shepherd
Leading Your flock
Beside quiet streams?
That You are ever faithful
To Your people?
That You give comfort
To Your chosen
When their afflicted?
That you sustain & give strength
When Your beloved
As weak & weary?

Have I forgotten
That You are
Not only the Promise Make
But also the Promise Keeper?
That the future glory
Prepared for us
Is infinitely greater
Than this present suffering?
That You work all things out
For my good & Your glory?
That is you are for us
Who can be against us?
And that nothing
Can separate Your Children
From Your love for us?

Forgive me Lord
For my unbelief, for I believe!
Forgive my God,
For my doubt!
Remind me
That You are good
And do good
With Your thoughts
Are higher than mine
And Your ways
Are greater than my ways
That I'm like a child
Always in His Father's arms
That You sustain me
By your grace
That You have
Sought me and bought me
And I'm Yours!
Forever in Your grace!
Forever in Your love!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Do Not Fear, Take Heart!

A little something I wrote today. This I hope will encourage you, my brother or sister in the Lord, to stand firm in the faith and be salt and light in a dark world. Remembering that we are sojourners, citizens of God's kingdom. Also that victory, in the end, is certain and promised!

Brothers & sisters
Why worry
And why freak out?
Why dread
And be concerned?
Who would dare
Come against us
If God is for us?
When the storms
Of trouble come
We will take refuge
In our God
For He is
Our hiding place
When terror & danger
Surround us
We find safety
In Him alone
When overwhelmed
By the fear of uncertainty
Let us remember
That we are His people
And He is our God
He is our Shepherd
And we are the sheep
Of His pasture
So do not fear
Take heart
Cherish the Gospel
Remembering whose hands
Our names are engraved on!