Yesterday my mom kinda suprised me. She told me to write a list of goals I want to accomplish, and things I want to do next year, since I'm taking next year off. So I made a pretty sweet list of 12 things I want to accomplish and do from after graduation through to next summer. It's basically a rough draft, cause there will probably more I'll add, and I'll even go into detail on most of these things. So yes! I'm excited about the oppurtunities that God will have for me, and His perfect and pleasing plans!
~Intensely study God's Word
~volunteer @ church
~volunteer @ Midwest Foodbank
~Buy a car
~learn piano and more guitar
~International missions trip
~read more books
~get a passport
~finish my book
Some of these things listed, are things that I'm already working on, some are what I'm reasearching on, and others I may have to wait a will to act on, not to mention more things may be added. Over all I'm trying to make the most of my time off (with the exception of work), to serve God and others, and grow closer in my relationship with God. May God be glorified regardless of how this all works out, may my God...the God of Jacob be glorified!
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